My dad whipped up a nice little chicken run Sunday and Monday, with green, plastic hawk netting stuff over the top.
Today, I discovered that the hawk netting is quite high quality. The hawk came again. I was going to feed the chickens some bread and lettuce... I looked out the window, and the stupid bird was sitting on top of the hawk netting, trying to poke its head inside. The three chickens were huddled under the bush like... well, like three chickens huddled under a bush.
So I barged my way past the screen door and took off across the lawn again, yelling obscenities fluently. The hawk gave me a rather annoyed look, hopped up to the place where the neighbor's fence joins ours, then flew off into a tree. (It later departed the yard when I started prowling around said tree with a big ol' stick in my hand.)
I'm not sure what to do; federal law or something endangered whatever protects hawks in general, and I never intended to kill one, anyways. The hawk can't be blamed for trying to feed itself, but still. I wish it would stop trying to eat KFC (Kelly's Freaked-Out Chickens).
On the bright side, it's a good thing we got that hawk netting up. Otherwise, we would almost certainly have suffered another loss.
Every five minutes, I get paranoid all over again and have to run over to the window to check on the chickies.
LOL Kelly