
Wednesday, September 24, 2014


There has been a (friendly? hopefully) neighborhood parrot flying around at dusk for quite some time now. I'm not sure where it came from... I only know that it is the source of all the strange, hawk-like noises emanating from the top of my neighbor's tree (which has since been cut down, forcing said parrot to relocate to another tree).

It's a green parrot, very possibly someone's escaped/abandoned pet, since there's only the one and I don't live out in the middle of the rainforest or anything like that.

How do I know that it is green? Well.

I went out to the chickens just now with a handful of spinach leaves to feed them. I didn't look up. After nearing their little run/enclosure thingy, I heard a sudden SCHHHOOOOSH-ing noise from directly above my head. Turning around, I watched as the parrot flew across my yard and schhhooooshed away. It looked vaguely like a very large Sylvester (my deceased green parakeet).

It must have been perching either on the top of their enclosure or on the tree it's built around... The chickens didn't seem to care (BUT then again, they also didn't care about that one snake that visited them a while ago-- they even tried to eat it at one point, or so I'm told). I doubt that the parrot wants to eat the chookies, so maybe it was just having a nice conversation with them when I so rudely interrupted. In any case, it's quite a nice bird. Probably. I think.

Here, birdy birdy birdy... Here, birdy birdy birdy...

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